Most Effective Contribution to Improving Cancer Outcomes
Most Effective Contribution to Improving Cancer Outcomes

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Whilst more people than ever before are surviving cancer, steps made towards improving early diagnosis and treatment were hampered by the pandemic. With record high referral levels, the target of returning to pre-Covid performance levels in 2023, set against the new Faster Diagnostic Standard target, is considered ambitious, and there is little chance of achieving these without private sector support and expertise.

The formation of cancer alliances is testament to the fact that collaboration provides the key to realising many of the NHS’s ambitions in cancer service delivery. Cross-sector partnerships are being forged across the country to improve screening programmes, give people faster access to diagnostic tests, capitalise on cutting-edge treatments and technologies, and ensure patients benefit from precise, highly personalised treatments.

This award will recognise projects and partnerships that are tangibly improving cancer outcomes at a local, regional or national level. Judges will be particularly interested in projects, improvements and innovations that have been genuinely co-produced by the NHS and private sector. These will have involved close consultation with patients and achieved high levels of staff engagement.


  • This award is open to any private sector organisation which works in partnership with an NHS organisation or within a cancer alliance
  • These can be single partnerships or joint working projects, but must demonstrate evidence from the past two years up until the awards deadline date


  • Describe the context of the partnership and the reason that innovation or improvements were required.
  • Provide clear evidence that the co-developed solution served patients better than the NHS was able to deliver alone.
  • Outline the targets set to measure the effectiveness of the improvement, innovation, or new way of working and the steps put in place to achieve them.


  • Clearly demonstrate the benefits of the partnership on patient outcomes, which could include improved patient experience, waiting time reduction, capacity increase or optimised treatment pathways.
  • Discuss how the NHS organisation has benefited from the partnership in terms of staffing, cost, reducing inefficiencies or ability to provide services.
  • Describe any innovative practices generated by the partnership which have created beneficial outcomes.


  • Describe how the business has worked with the NHS to ensure best practice learning has been disseminated.
  • Discuss to what extent the best practice elements or innovations generated by the partnership have been adopted by other cancer alliances or NHS organisations


  • Describe how the different partners worked together to co-design improvements or innovations.
  • Show how patients and staff contributed towards and added value to the goals and outcomes of the partnership.
  • Evidence the consultative measures taken to inform, involve and enable participation in the design of any new innovation or adaptation to existing working practices.


  • What financial benefits have been realised by the partnership, or if partnering has cost the NHS more money than delivering the project alone, how have the non-monetary benefits outweighed the costs?
  • How has the partnership led to material and measurable non-monetary improvements within the NHS organisation?
  • Provide testimonial evidence of the effectiveness of the partnership from both NHS staff and patients

Most Effective Contribution to Improving Cancer Outcomes

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To find out more

For entry enquiries, contact James Elliot on