- Best Acute Sector Partnership with the NHS

Winner: Medway and Swale Integrated Care Partnership - DAB111: Introducing Direct Access Booking from 111 into Urgent and Emergency Care View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Qubit Health and Imperial College Healthcare Trust - Qubit Patient Management System
- Attain and Mid Cheshire Hospitals FT - An NHS Workforce Revolution: Our 3 month transformation journey to becoming one of England’s leading alternative medical workforce employers
- Consultant Connect and Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, NHS Tayside - Establishing a COVID-19 Assessment and Admissions Unit
- Medirest, Compass Group UK&I and Royal Surrey FT - Food Glorious Food!
- Patchwork Health and London North West University Healthcare Trust - Digital Staff Bank
- Spire Manchester Hospital and Manchester University FT - Thoracic Service
- Best Consultancy Partnership with the NHS

Winner: Attain, East Berkshire CCG and Berkshire Healthcare FT - East Berkshire Autism and ADHD Service Transformation View the winner's video here
Highly Commended: Grant Thornton and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT - Clinical Data Improvement Programme
- 7i Group and Sunderland GP Alliance - Voice of the Patient
- Best Educational Programme for the NHS

Winner: The Redmoor-ELC Partnership and NHS England and Improvement General Practice Nurse Ten Point Plan Team - Spreading Video Group Clinics in Primary Care View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: WingFactors and Whittington Health Trust - Pilotsims
- BMJ & Health Education England - Evidence on Demand: Best Practice Bring Evidence to the Bedside
- Chesterfield Sheffield & Derby FRCS Clinical Examination Course, Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT, Sheffield Children's FT and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - Virtual Orthopaedic Clinicals
- Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare - GaCare Certificate e-Learning Programme for the Health and Care Workforce
- Ipsen - A Life in a Day of a Kidney Cancer (RCC) patient
- Oliver & Company (UK) and Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG - One Clinical Community Programme
- Trend Diabetes and Orange Juice Communications - Insulin Safety: Getting It Right
- Vygon UK - Upskilling Goes Online with the Intravascular Therapies Hub
- Best Healthcare Analytics Project for the NHS
Winner: CF - Pandemic Scenario Planning Software for London View the winner's acceptance video here
- Dr Foster Intelligence - Covid-19 Patient-Level Analysis
- KPMG, Lincolnshire CCG and United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust - Cancer Pathway Plus: Enhancing Care through Data-Driven Insights
- Source Group and North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) - National Programme to Improve the Accuracy of the National PTL
- Best Healthcare Provider Partnership with the NHS

Winner: Spire Healthcare and the NHS in England, Wales and Scotland - Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Rochdale Health Alliance, The Local Soup Kitchen and Wider Health and Social Care Services - Homeless Alliance Response Team (HART)
- Connect Health and Brent CCG - Streamlining MSK Services in Brent
- Connect Health and Herts Valleys CCG - Innovation in MSK to Preserve Services for Future Generations in Herts Valleys
- Genmed and South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre - A partnership delivering additional value through surgery managed services
- Interface Clinical Services and Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership - Pharmacist-Led Review of High-Risk Asthmatic Patients
- OneMedical Group, Cheshire and Merseyside Primary Care Academy and Cheshire West Integrated Care Partnership - Primary Care Network Workforce Planning Support
- Supportive Care UK - Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care for All: Reliable, Responsive, Cost-Effective 24/7 Consultant Support to NHS Partners and Hospices
- TFS Healthcare and Kent Community Health FT - Establishment of Two CQC Registered Wards at Westview Community Hospital and Westbrook House Integrated Care Centre
- Best Mental Health Partnership with the NHS
Winner: Oxehealth and Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust - Fewer Incidents and Better Care in Inpatient Mental Health Hospitals View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: S12 Solutions, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership of CCGs and Hampshire and Isle of Wight STP - Supporting the Crisis Care Pathway through Digital Innovation
- Dr Julian Medical Group - Online Mental Health Platform
- Ingeus and Derby and Derbyshire CCG - Employment Advisors in IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)
- Lundbeck, General Practice Alliance, Northamptonshire Healthcare FT and Mental Health Northamptonshire Collaboration - Northampton Integrated Depression Pathway
- Mind in Camden, Likewise, The Advocacy Project, Voice-ability, Camden and Islington FT and Camden Council - Camden Resilience Network
- SilverCloud Health and Northpoint Wellbeing - Bringing Digital Mental Health Support to Young People
- Togetherall and Chorley, South Ribble and Greater Preston (CSRGP) CCGs - Going digital: Population Based Mental Health Support for the Communities of Chorley, South Ribble and Greater Preston
- Turning Point - Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Suicide Audit and Prevention Group
- Best Not for Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS

Winner: Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering, NELFT, Downshall Primary School and London Borough of Redbridge - Downshall Intergenerational Provision View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Royal Voluntary Service, NHS England and GoodSAM - NHS Volunteer Responders
- Acorn Recovery Projects and Lancashire and South Cumbria FT - Peer Support Work Partnership Project
- Anthony Nolan - Beyond a Stem Cell Transplant: Ensuring Long-Term Support for Patients
- Care after Combat, Project Nova and Nottinghamshire Healthcare FT - Project Regroup Criminal Justice System Whole Care Pathway, in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire
- Hexitime CIC - A Skill Exchange and Timebank for Improving Health and Care Services
- Mastercall Out of Hospital Healthcare - A Connected Care Platform to Reduce Emergency Admissions and Detect Early Patient Deterioration Using Remote Digital Technology
- The Point of Care Foundation - Supporting Staff Wellbeing through Reflective Practice
- Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network and South West London Health and Care Partnership - Co-producing Wandsworth
- Best Pharmaceutical Partnership with the NHS

Winner: Boehringer-Ingelheim and Oxfordshire CCG - Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Respiratory Team View the winner's video here
- Eli Lilly & Company and The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre - Reducing Chemotherapy Day Case Wait Time for Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcoma : A Nurse Led Approach to Improving SACT
- Gilead Sciences and NHS Partners - Improving Outcomes and Health Inequalities for People Living with HIV
- Novartis and Bionical Solutions - You First Patient support programme
- Pfizer - Partnering with the NHS to Highlight the Importance of Immunisation During Covid-19 Lockdown
- Takeda Service Development Team, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust and Leicestershire Health Informatics Service - Adult ADHD App
- Built Environment Project of the Year

Winner: PA Consulting - NHS Seacole Centre at Headley Court, Surrey View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: 2gether Support Solutions - Reaching Zero Carbon within Older NHS Buildings without Building from New
- Clatterbridge PropCare Services, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre FT, Laing O'Rourke, BDP and AECOM - Delivering Liverpool's First Specialist Cancer Hospital in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
- Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and North Middlesex University Hospital Trust - North Mid @ The Stadium: A Premier Partnership
- HealthTech Partnership of the Year
Winner: Oxehealth and Oxford Health FT - Improving Sleep on Inpatient Mental Health Wards View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Medtronic UK, Manchester University FT and The Northern Care Alliance Group - Triage HF Plus
- 365 Response - Digital Marketplace for Taxi Procurement
- FutureGov and East London Health and Care Partnership - Building a Digital Solution for Managing Personal Protective Equipment in a Pandemic: Establishing Best Practice for COVID and Beyond
- Infinity Health and London North West University Healthcare Trust - Saving 10,000 hours in the Emergency Department
- Patchwork Health - Intensive Treatment Unit Transfer Project
- South London and Maudsley FT - Improving Patient and Staff Safety while in Seclusion Room by Introducing Novel Technology
- The Medication Support Company and Liverpool City Council - Improving Safety and Efficiency through Remote Medicines Management
- Information Sharing and Data Integration Award
Winner: Allocate Software and Bolton FT - Covid-19 Sickness Absence Recording and Absence Management View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) and NHS Digital - Acute Data Alignment Programme (ADAPt)
- Insource and Northern Care Alliance - Improving Accuracy and Efficiency with Patient Pathway Plus
- Local Covid-19 Response Partnership Award

Winner: Tower Hamlets Together - Family-Focused Multi-Agency Shielding Support for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Greater Manchester Cancer, The Christie FT and Rochdale Infirmary (part of the Northern Care Alliance Group) - Greater Manchester Surgical Cancer Hub
- 18 Week Support in partnership with Medway FT & Care UK - Re-establishing Diagnostic Endoscopy during Covid-19 for Patients with Suspected Cancer
- AdviseInc & the NHS in Greater Manchester Procurement Team - Tracking and Forecasting PPE Usage Across Integrated Care Systems
- CF and Central London Community Healthcare Trust - Managing demand and capacity in the community through the pandemic
- Doccla and Northampton General Hospital Trust - Covid Virtual Ward
- Patchwork Health - London COVID-19 Bank
- Royal Free London Property Services and London FT - NHS Nightingale, London
- Vantage Health - Managing Hospital Outpatient Attendances During a Pandemic
- Most Effective Contribution to Clinical Redesign

Winner: The Redmoor-ELC Partnership - Spreading Video Group Clinics View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN and York Teaching Hospital FT - Improved Faecal Calprotectin Care Pathway
- Hertfordshire Partnership University FT - CAMHS Access Assessment & Brief Interventions Team
- Most Effective Contribution to Patient Safety

Winner: Oxehealth, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Oxford Health FT and South London and Maudsley FT - Improving Safety and Care for Inpatient Mental Health Patients
View the winner's acceptance video here
- CardMedic - Improving Communication Between Frontline Healthcare Staff and Patients
- HCA Healthcare UK - Project Green Hospitals: Collaborating across Healthcare to Deliver Time-Critical Care to the Most Vulnerable and Complex Patients during Covid-19
- Itamar Medical - Safe and Efficient Remote Sleep Apnoea Diagnosis During COVID-19
- Spire Healthcare - A cautionary tale
- Trend Diabetes and Orange Juice Communications - Insulin Safety: Getting It Right
- Yorkshire & Humber AHSN and Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Placental Growth Factor Testing
- Procurement Project of the Year

Winner: KFM - Enhanced Supply Chain Service View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Smith+Nephew and City Health Care Partnership Hull - The Impact of Wound Compass Management System (Formeo) on Procurement Efficiencies: A Cross Functional NHS/ Industry Value-Based Collaboration
- BMJ - Delivering Improved Cost-Effectiveness through Recruitment by Subscription
- Crown Commercial Services, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals FT, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT, United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, The Rotherham FT, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT, Sheffield Children’s FT, Barnsley Hospital FT, The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT - Agency Doctors Collaboration Team
- NHS Supply Chain , DHL Procurement Towers - End to End Procurement at its Best
- Regional Covid-19 Response Partnership Award

Winner: Archus, Mott MacDonald, Q5, Hoare Lea, BDP, Welsh Rugby Union and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board - Dragon’s Heart Hospital/Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: 33N, Brunel University London, and Health Education England - COVID-19 Intensive Care Remote Learning Course (CIRLC): Rapid ICU Training for Non-ICU Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK
- BT and King's College Health Partners - Life Lines
- CF, NHS England and NHS Improvement London Region Team and London ADASS - London Region Covid Out-of-Hospital Support
- Changing Lives, Turning Point and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT - Northumberland and North Tyneside Recovery Partnerships
- Ernst & Young (EY), NHS Nightingale North West and Manchester University FT - 120 days to Build, Stand-Up, Run and Stand-by NHS Nightingale North West
- Kidney Wales, Paul Popham Renal Fund, Kidney Care UK, Wales Kidney Research Unit and NHS Partners, Welsh Renal Clinical Network [(WRCN) a sub-committee of Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC)] - Providing Calm, Accurate and Consistent Messaging about COVID-19 to Kidney Dialysis Patients in Wales
- Peppy, TechForce19, NCT, Lactation Consultants of Great Britain - Supporting At-Risk New and Expectant Parents through the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond
- Y Lab, Barts Health Trust and Liberating Structures Learning Partners: Happy Ltd, Needs Workshop, Emergency Care Improvement Support Team and NHS England and NHS Improvement - Transformative Mobilisation: Co-Producing with Barts Shielders through Liberating Structures
- Workforce Innovation Award

Winner: Proud2bOps and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT - A Senior Operational Movement: Energising, Connecting and Developing Operational Leaders View the winner's acceptance video here
Highly Commended: Acadiant and Mid and South Essex FT - Maternity Direct: A Midwife in Your Pocket
- ADHD 360 and Disrupt - Chrysalis: A New Approach to ADHD Case Management
- Health Education England and bksb - Functional Skills Self-Study Programme
- Infinity Health and London North West University Healthcare Trust - Making Care Coordination Quicker, Easier, and Safer
- Lantum and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership - Serving Nearly 3 million Patients with One Connected Primary Care Workforce Bank
- Patchwork Health - South Liverpool NHS Treatment Centre's COVID-19 Hot Clinic
- Thirsty Horses Solutions and Liverpool University Hospitals FT - WorkPAL: Digital Workforce Innovation
- UXC Group, Devon CCG and Devon STP - Evaluation is the Enemy of Innovation: Enabling Rapid Innovation in Primary Care with National Impact