Best Elective Care Recovery Initiative
Best Elective Care Recovery Initiative

How to enter

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Beyond the direct pressure of covid-19 on healthcare services, the long-term impact of missed appointments and the elective care backlog, from diagnosis and early intervention to treatment, is extremely pronounced. Data showed that by December 2021 the waiting list had exceeded 6 million. While difficult to quantify, the detrimental impact of missed diagnoses and later-stage interventions is also widely acknowledged. The NHS is playing catchup on top of the lasting strain of the covid-19 pandemic.

This award is for a supplier or service provider to the NHS supporting elective care recovery efforts, with proven outcomes that significantly reduce the backlog and/or contribute significantly to diagnosis and earlier-stage intervention on a large scale.


  • Entrants can be any private or not-for-profit sector organisation working in partnership with NHS or public health organisations to recover from the pandemic at a local or regional level.
  • Evidence of outcomes must be provided, along with initial assessment of scope and method


  • Describe the scope of the project including scale of challenge and all relevant partners
  • What were the brief and the goals set?
  • What measures were set to ensure expectations were met?


  • Describe how the project was conceived and implemented in a quick and agile fashion
  • Provide detailed evidence of improvements achieved and how they were delivered, including the results on the ground for both healthcare professionals and patients
  • What challenges were met during project implementation and how did the solution provider work with the healthcare system at overcoming these?


  • Discuss to what extent best practices or innovations generated by the partnership have been adopted by other NHS departments or organisations within the wider STP/ICS.
  • Have the best practices or innovations been employed within other partnerships formed by the private sector partner?
  • How could the learnings from this project be applied in future national pandemic preparedness plans?


  • What was the level of interaction between partners in terms of project concept, development and realisation?
  • How has the partnership involved collaboration with patients and end-users within the NHS, and to what extent was this prioritised given the need for a quick and agile implementation?
  • Provide testimonial evidence from each party within the partnership surrounding their level of involvement and engagement, and how they have consequently benefited.


  • Provide qualitative and quantitative evidence of financial or non-monetary value creation
  • Has the partnership resulted in any improvements to services or patient experience that will remain applicable long beyond the Covid-19 response?

To find out more

For entry enquiries, contact James Elliot on