Beyond the direct pressure of covid-19 on healthcare services, the long-term impact of missed appointments and the elective care backlog, from diagnosis and early intervention to treatment, is extremely pronounced. Data showed that by December 2021 the waiting list had exceeded 6 million. While difficult to quantify, the detrimental impact of missed diagnoses and later-stage interventions is also widely acknowledged. The NHS is playing catchup on top of the lasting strain of the covid-19 pandemic.
This award is for a supplier or service provider to the NHS supporting elective care recovery efforts, with proven outcomes that significantly reduce the backlog and/or contribute significantly to diagnosis and earlier-stage intervention on a large scale.
- Entrants can be any private or not-for-profit sector organisation working in partnership with NHS or public health organisations to recover from the pandemic at a local or regional level.
- Evidence of outcomes must be provided, along with initial assessment of scope and method